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Mission Statement
About Us

Bloom Township Fire Department, recognized as a progressive leader in providing the highest quality emergency services, is committed to the preservation of life, property, and the environment by effectively and efficiently meeting the emerging public safety and welfare needs of our diverse community. We will accomplish this by maintaining the highest standards of professional service through prevention of harm, surviving the environment, and "being nice"!

Please click the button below for more information about the communities we protect, the services we offer and the history of the fire department

Fire Department News
In loving memory of Lieutenant Andy Nunley

Please click below to view our memorandum page for Lieutenant Andy Nunley.
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Introducing Our New Medic 552!


Out with the old and in with the new! The Bloom Township Fire Department is exited to announce our Custom Built 2022 Road Rescue medic is officially in service and ready to serve all those who may need it. This truck was fully funded utilizing A.R.P. funds and comes at no additional loans or debt to the Township.

This truck replaced a 2012 F-450 Braun Remount (the truck on the right) which will now serve as our main reserve medic.

Again we would like to thank our Bloom Township Trustees Smith, Moore and Randles, Bloom Township Fiscal Officer Mattei, and Steve Stricklen from Burgess Ambulance Sales, Inc. and all others involved in the build of this truck. Click the button below to see pictures of the new medic!

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Lithopolis Honey Fest and Open house 2023
9/8/23 - 9/9/23

The Lithopolis Honey Fest is on 9/8 and 9/9 as well as an open house at station 551 on 9/9 from 10:00-2:00. Click "More Info" for more information.
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New Station Sign at Station 552

As many know, the fire department has recently created a new logo and our next step in the logo process was to get a new sign at station 552! We are proud to present our new sign and logo out front of station 552. Click "More Info" for a larger image.
ISO Class 3 (You may save money on your homeowners Insurance)


Our ISO rating has significantly improved and may save you money on your homeowners insurance policy! Click the button below to find out more information



Our Township participates in the SAVVY Citizen App. Use this app to stay up to date on local events, road closures, helpful reminders, safety notices and more. Click below for more information and to download the App!

Accepting Applications


We are accepting applications for every sixth day part-time positions. Please click below to download/print application. Please complete the application and submit it at either of our fire stations. 

What to Know When Calling 911 From a Cell Phone



While cell phones can be an important public safety tool, they also create unique challenges for emergency response personnel and wireless service providers. Since wireless phones are mobile, they are not associated with one fixed location or address. Click the button below to learn more about how this technology works and what to do when calling 911 from your cell phone

Open Burning in Bloom Township



Your Bloom Township fire department follows guidelines set forth by the EPA for open burning. If you would like to burn in Bloom Township, the fire department will not issue you a permit. We will, however, advise you of the EPA guidelines and acknowledge your call with our dispatch center. Regardless of whether you call the fire department or not, if we receive a complaint by a passer-by or neighbor, we must act and extinguish your open burn. If you burn illegally in Bloom Township or any other area in Ohio, you may be cited and/or fined by the EPA.

Please call the firehouse at 614-837-5530 to notify the crew of the size, type and location of your open burn. You may also stop by the firehouse in Lithopolis to acquire a copy of the Ohio EPA’s Open Burning Regulations. For more information please click a button below:

Kids Corner: Fire Prevention



Click the button below to visit our KIDS CORNER area of the website. Here you will find videos, links and activities to help teach your children about fire saftey!

Connect with Us




‹Non Emergency:



‹Station 551 (Lithopolis) Fax:



‹Station 552 (Greencastle) Fax:





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ALL reports, including EMS, fire, and accident reports may be requested by contacting the Bloom Township Fiscal Officer at or call 614-837-4387.

Fire Truck Driveway Clearance Information

Accessible driveways are crucial in getting help to you! Please CLICK THE PICTURE below for IMPORTANT information to assure we can get to you when you need us! 

© 2017  Bloom Township Fire Department                                             Station 551: 66 S. Market St, Lithopolis, Ohio 43136                                     Non Emergency #: (614) 837-5530                                                                                                                    Station 552: 8485 Lithopolis Rd NW, Carroll, Ohio 43112

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